We are very proud to announce the release of the first on-line (beta) version of HoTMuSiC ! The solution for predicting thermal stability changes of proteins upon point mutations.
You can access HoTMuSiC via the log-in page of our website.
HoTMuSiC predicts the variations of melting temperature caused by all possible amino acid substitutions in a protein in a few minutes, and proposes the best (and least) stabilizing point mutations in this respect.
Thermal stability changes (predicted by HoTMuSiC) differ from thermodynamic stability changes (predicted by PoPMuSiC), even if they tend to correlate often. For those that were using PoPMuSiC as a proxy for thermal stability, they will now obtain better results by using HoTMuSiC directly! Feedback from your experience is, as always, very appreciated.
Non-commercial use of HoTMuSiC is totally free.
For commercial usage, please contact our sales team at info@dezyme.com
Note: the current release is still the beta version; we are currently running final external checks on the model. The definitive version will be freezed in a few weeks time.